
Register Chain

Register Chain
Tamanho DIA
mm polegada
#18 1.2 0.047
#17 1.4 0.055
#16 1.6 0.063
#16-L 1.6 0.063
#14 2 0.079
#13 2.4 0.094
#12 2.6 0.102
#11 3 0.118
#10 3.4 0.134

Register Chain: Types, Finishes, and Applications:

The register chain is a versatile component used in various industrial and commercial applications. It is typically a lightweight chain with a specific link configuration, designed for smooth and reliable operation in controlled movement mechanisms.


Register chain can be supplied in several finishes to suit different environmental conditions and aesthetic preferences:

  • Self-Color (or Raw Steel): This is the most economical option, offering the steel material’s natural finish.
  • Bright Galvanized: Provides excellent corrosion resistance, making it suitable for outdoor or humid environments.
  • Bright Zinc: Offers good corrosion protection and a bright, attractive appearance.
  • Brass Plate: Provides a decorative and corrosion-resistant finish, often used in more aesthetically demanding applications.


Register chain finds widespread use in a variety of applications, including:

  • Furnace Doors: Operating the opening and closing of furnace doors.
  • Ducts and Dampers: Controlling airflow in ventilation systems.
  • Skylight Mechanisms: Operating the opening and closing of skylights.

Key Benefits of Register Chain:

  • Durability: Constructed from high-quality materials for long-lasting performance.
  • Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of applications.
  • Corrosion Resistance: Available in various finishes to suit different environmental conditions.
  • Easy Installation and Maintenance: Relatively easy to install and maintain.

Choosing the Right Register Chain:

When selecting a register chain, consider the following factors:

  • Application: Determine the specific application and the required load capacity.
  • Environment: Choose a finish that provides adequate corrosion resistance for the operating environment.
  • Aesthetics: Select a finish that meets the desired aesthetic requirements.

Sobre a Hechang Metal Products

Bem-vindo à Nantong Hechang Metal Products Co., Ltd., seu principal fornecedor de soluções em correntes. Fundada em 2017, estamos localizados na cidade em rápido desenvolvimento de Nantong, situada às margens do Mar Amarelo e a apenas uma hora e meia de carro de Xangai, oferecendo acesso conveniente ao transporte.

Nossa gama de ofertas é extensa, abrangendo vários tipos de correntes, incluindo correntes de macaco, correntes de laço duplo (correntes com nós), correntes soldadas, correntes de faixa, correntes de suspensão simples, correntes de aço inoxidável, correntes de animais comuns eletrogalvanizadas, correntes decorativas e muito mais.

Também fornecemos serviços personalizados para atender às suas necessidades específicas, capazes de produzir correntes de acordo com suas especificações exatas com base em seus projetos ou amostras. Com técnicas de produção avançadas e métodos abrangentes de teste de qualidade, garantimos que nossos produtos atendam consistentemente aos padrões de alta qualidade. Esse compromisso conquistou a confiança e o reconhecimento dos clientes nacionais e internacionais, estabelecendo uma sólida reputação para nossos produtos no mercado global.

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